Wednesday, September 14, 2011

One of the ladies I work with brought me a bracelet to repair. She had gotten it at the mall, and had already returned it once. The jump ring to hold the clasp on wasn't closed properly, so the beading wire kept slipping thru the gap. I replaced the now mashed jump ring and life will be fine.

I do wonder why people buy crap jewelry at the mall and are shocked, SHOCKED I SAY when it goes bad.

Oh well. I hope it works for her.

In other news, we are overrun with fleas, and will have to bomb the house, basement included. That means herding cats upstairs and downstairs on bomb day. Should be interesting.

The Fall Show Season is rapidly approaching, and I have squat accomplished. I've spent too much money on booth fees to half ass a bunch of product, so I have to buckle down and make good stuff. It'd be nice for a whole day alone to do this. But I'm not holding my breath for that. I'll have to make due.

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